typed-api-spec provides zero-fetch
, a type-safe, zero-runtime API client.
zero-fetch just add type information to native fetch, and does not add any runtime code. Type information is erased during compilation, so it does not affect the runtime behavior. As a result, it does not increase bundle size and does not have any runtime dependencies.
// fetchT is just native fetch, so it does not have any additional runtime dependencies
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
Type-safe features
zero-fetch provides type information for the response data based on the API specification.
type Spec = DefineApiEndpoints<{
"/users": {
get: {
responses: { 200: { body: { names: string[] }; }; };
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
const res = await fetchT("/users", {});
const data = await res.json(); // data is { userNames: string[] }
If the response have multiple status codes, response type is union of each status code type.
type Headers = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } };
type Spec = DefineApiEndpoints<{
"/users": {
get: {
responses: {
200: { body: { names: string[] }; } & Headers;
201: { body: { ok: boolean }; } & Headers;
400: { body: { message: string; }; } & Headers;
500: { body: { internalError: string; }; } & Headers;
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
const res = await fetchT("/users", {});
if (!res.ok) {
// If res.ok is false, status code is 400 or 500
// So res.json() returns { message: string } | { internalError: string }
const data = await res.json();
// Response headers are also type-checked. Content-Type is always 'application/json'
const contentType: 'application/json' = res.headers.get('Content-Type');
// and, hasContentType is inferred as true, not boolean
const hasContentType: true = res.headers.has('Content-Type');
return console.error(data);
// If res.ok is true, status code is 200 or 201
// So res.json() returns { names: string[] } | { ok: boolean }
const data = await res.json(); // names is string[]
Response headers are treated as an immutable object for strict type checking.
It means that you can not append
, set
or delete
operation after the response object is created.
This is a limitation of the type system, not a runtime change. If you need mutable operations, you can cast types.
const immutableHeaders = res.headers
const mutableHeaders = res.headers as Headers;
Path & Path parameters
zero-fetch accepts only the path that is defined in the API specification.
Path parameters are also supported as :paramName
in the path.
type Spec = DefineApiEndpoints<{
"/users": {
get: { responses: { 200: { body: { names: string[] }; }; }; };
"/users/:id": {
get: { responses: { 200: { body: { name: string }; }; }; };
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
await fetchT("/users", {}); // OK
await fetchT("/users/1", {}); // OK
await fetchT("/posts", {}); // Error: Argument of type '"/posts"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"/users" | "/users/:id"'.
await fetchT("/users/1/2", {}); // Error: Argument of type '"/users/1/2"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"/users" | "/users/:id"'.
zero-fetch accepts only the query parameters that are defined in the API specification.
type Spec = DefineApiEndpoints<{
"/users": {
get: {
query: { page: string };
responses: { 200: { body: { names: string[] }; }; };
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
await fetchT("/users?page=1", {}); // OK
await fetchT("/users", {}); // Error: Argument of type string is not assignable to parameter of type MissingQueryError<"page">
await fetchT("/users?page=1&noexist=1", {}); // Error: Argument of type string is not assignable to parameter of type ExcessiveQueryError<"noexist">
zero-fetch accepts only the headers that are defined in the API specification.
type Spec = DefineApiEndpoints<{
"/users": {
get: {
headers: { "x-api-key": string };
responses: { 200: { body: { names: string[] }; }; };
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
await fetchT("/users", { headers: { "x-api-key": "key" } }); // OK
await fetchT("/users", { headers: {} }); // Error: Type {} is not assignable to type '{ "x-api-key": string; }'.
zero-fetch accepts only the body that is defined in the API specification.
Please note that when converting an object to a string, you must use the JSONT
type provided by typed-api-spec.
import { JSONT } from "@mpppk/typed-api-spec/json";
type Spec = DefineApiEndpoints<{
"/users": {
post: {
body: { name: string };
responses: { 200: { body: { id: string }; }; };
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
const JSONT = JSON as JSONT;
await fetchT("/users", { method: "POST", body: JSONT.stringify({ name: "name" }) }); // OK
await fetchT("/users", { method: "POST", body: JSONT.stringify({ name: 1 }) }); // Error: Type TypedString<{ userName: number; }> is not assignable to type TypedString<{ userName: string; }>
Currently, zero-fetch can not omit the RequestInit
We hope to address this issue in the future, but for now, you must provide an empty object as the second argument.
FetchT is a type that adds type information to native fetch. First generic parameter is the origin of the API server, and the second generic parameter is the API specification.
const fetchT = fetch as FetchT<"", Spec>;
JSONT is a type that adds type information to native JSON. If you want to check body parameter type, you need to use JSONT.stringify to convert object to string.
import { JSONT } from "@mpppk/typed-api-spec/json";
const JSONT = JSON as JSONT;
// body parameter type will be checked by using JSONT.stringify
await fetchT("/users", { method: "POST", body: JSONT.stringify({ name: "name" }) });